Thursday, June 23, 2016

Is Drone Racing a Viable Future Sport?

Drones have become a common sight nowadays. They can be seen whooshing around in the air collecting images on a regular basis. In a very short period of time these drones have become quite popular. With technological advancements increasing the speed of drones, drone racing is becoming a rapidly growing sport. However, there are still some doubts lurking in the minds of industry experts regarding its viability as a sport for the future.

Concepts of Drone Racing
Drone racing is in its infancy stage and the concepts of this sport are still evolving. However, there are racing leagues being created where quadcopters, as they are commonly known as, are pitted against each other, and whomever is the fastest among them wins the race. Drone racing is similar to any other car or horse race but the only difference is that the drones have cameras and the first person view is like seeing a video game come to life.

The Positives for Drone Racing
Drone racing has a lot going for it. There are a number of reasons why people are seeing it as a successor to racing sports that are currently popular. For instance, drones are futuristic in design and provide a new form of entertainment that current racing sports can’t provide. The sight of a quadcopter whizzing around tight hairpins and turns is both thrilling and entertaining. It is almost as if the world of the future has come to life right in front of your eyes.  So, it is definitely more entertaining for the spectators than horse or car racing.
As advancements in technology are made, drones are going to become more modified and attractively designed. This continuous changing nature of the sport is another aspect which is why drone racing can become a good replacement for racing sports we have today. The audiences will always have something new to look forward to with drone racing. The designs of the drones will improve and they will become faster.  As time goes on, new rules and regulations for drone racing will be created which will only make this sport more entertaining  and worth watching.
Another positive for drone racing is that people are moving towards new sports. The video gaming industry is a prime example of that. We are seeing more and more video gaming tournaments taking place that are attracting huge crowds. This is paving the way for new sports, and drone racing is certainly cashing in. Just like video games, drone racing offers something different for the audiences.

Challenges for Drone Racing
Even though drone racing has a bright future ahead of it, there are certain obstacles in its way. If this sport is to overcome these challenges then it will easily become the sport of the future. The first major challenge for drone racing will be to increase its audience base. For the sport to become popular all over the world, it has to appeal to all sorts of people. At present, drone racing is popular mainly among tech geeks. Unless the sport broadens its horizons and focuses its appeal to the average person who is not much of a tech expert, then it will not be able to flourish further.
Drone racing’s next biggest challenge is funding and sponsorship. Money is extremely important for the success and popularity of any sport. Since building a drone isn’t cheap, sponsorship is vital to the drone racing’s chances of becoming commercially viable in the future. As drone pilots get sponsorship and popular brands start to affiliate themselves with the sport, drone racing is going to grow quite rapidly. For now, the funding and sponsorships being provided for this sport are not significant. There is a need to get more money into the sport before it can start growing earnestly.
Success of modern sporting events depends quite heavily on viewership. The broadcasting of drone racing is thus crucial if it to stake a claim for itself as a future sport. This is where the problem lies. There are different views available for cameras to shoot the action that is going on in drone races but it isn’t apparent which one among them is the most suitable. Moreover, drones fly in the air at high speeds and it can become quite hard to capture them when they are whizzing around at speeds of up to 80 miles an hour.
The broadcasting issue has been dealt with quite adequately for now and drone races are being shown live to limited audiences in high quality. However, as drones get faster and more agile then it would become increasingly difficult to capture them in full flight. The broadcasting industry would have to keep up with the technological advancement of drones if it has any chance of capturing drone races with high quality video.
In short, as of now, drone racing isn’t established enough to challenge the popularity of the existing sports like soccer and tennis or even racing for instance. However, it is being predicted that as drone racing competitions and leagues are held on a regular basis, more and more people are going to start participating in them. The current leagues of drone racing have been quite successful and have attracted a good number of spectators too. Although this is good for the growth of this sport, there are a number of challenges that need to be surmounted before drone racing can become a viable future sport., the one stop shop for all your UAV needs.
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