Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sharing Drone Flying Plans

Congratulations! You have purchased a new drone. Now what?
In order to learn how to pilot your new drone with safety and responsibility, there are some important rules, guidelines and checklists. This article explains some serious concerns related to drone flying and how to effectively share your flying plans with the concerned people, so as to avoid any disaster. The Information Commissioner Office suggests that users of drones should be operated in such a way to protect the privacy of the individuals always. Here are some things to remember about operating your drone:

Covering your drones with Data Protection Act (DPA)
If you have a drone with a camera, it is necessary to cover your drone by the DPA.

Can I use a drone with the camera?
If you have a drone with a camera, there is a privacy risk to other people. It will be better to inform people before your flight and also research about your surroundings.

Inform people before your start recording
In some cases, it is quite easy to record because you will know everyone within close view (for example, taking a group photo at any family occasion or meet up with friends). In public places, recording becomes a challenge. A good rule of thumb may be ‘if you can’t inform everyone fairly easily, you shouldn’t record’.

Think about your surroundings
If you are planning to record some images beyond your home, a drone may disturb the privacy of others where they want their privacy to be respected. It is necessary to fly a drone between your boundaries and do not hover above the properties of others. If you want to venture out of the boundary of your home and in the neighborhood, you should first inform your neighbors as well as the homeowners association as to why do you want to fly your drone, what exactly are its purposes, for how long will you be flying and what you will be doing with the data gathered. If the association and the residents are comfortable with your answers, you are free to fly. Otherwise, it is better to respect and alleviate their concerns.

Plan your flight
Your drone’s battery life is short. That’s just a fact about drones. You should know its abilities to make the best use of its flight and it will be easy for you to plan and avoid disturbing other people’s privacy. For example, you can make your flight more secure and privacy-friendly by launching it from a different location instead of flying near the property of other people.

Keep your drone in view
You do not want to lose your drone and if you are clearly visible then it will be easier for the people to figure out that you are the owner of the drone.

Share your recordings
As long as your recordings and data are not for commercial purposes, it is better to share a part of the data and the recordings with your neighbors and the community. You can use social media for this. This will reduce the fears and the concerns of your neighbors and you will also gain their trust.

Communicate With Other Drone Pilots
You can communicate with other drone flyers to get some tips from them to learn more about drone flying. There are many different communities of drone flyers. You can join different communities to communicate with the professional drone pilots to get some help regarding drone flying. You can also communicate with the different pilots online through social media or different blogs of drone flying.

Laws and Regulations
In many countries, people have enjoyed model flight for almost 100 years. Throughout the 20th century, the rules of common sense led the model aircraft community as it naturally controlled itself with little to no incident.
In recent times, the abilities of these aircraft have advanced amazingly and it has attracted the interest of lawmakers, especially in the United States. We suggest anyone who is interested in flying a drone to check the local and national laws related to the technology. If you are a United States resident, the FAA or AMA websites are the best options to start. You have to register yourself with the FAA and show your associated registration number on everything that you are willing to fly, weighted 55 pounds or more.

Flight Service Stations:
U.S. pilots are very lucky as they have free access to plenty of flight information through Flight Service Stations since 1920. The basic purpose of the service is to check weather along the desired path and to file and close plans for the flight. Now, with the increase in drones flying in the same airspace in which the regular airplanes travel a new service is enabled by the information on unmanned flights. You can also participate in this service.
As there are many people nowadays who love flying drones, flight services for the pilots can be accessed by a phone call. You can talk with a local briefer who would have a clear knowledge of local weather patterns and airport procedures and he will inform you about any closed runways or out of order approach lights and other drones and planes flying nearby.
In the UK, the drone flyers can face jail if they cause any threat to the aircraft.  It is necessary to share your flight plans with the concerned authorities to avoid any accident., the one stop shop for all your UAV needs.
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