Friday, June 24, 2016

Survey and Mapping Drones and Their Key Functions

Modern high-tech drones or aerial flying machines are equipped with so many useful and amazing features that a person is left spellbound. They come with a mobile app or software application that allows a user to easily control their various functions and also make use of certain tools that make the overall experience more enjoyable, fruitful, and productive. Depending on the main function these machines perform, specific types have also been manufactured so that those who want them to achieve a particular purpose can make use of them. The benefit of these drones is that the person using it only has to learn a few specific functions to use them to his/her advantage.

One such type of a drone is known as a “mapping drone”. This drone is capable of providing you with real-time data of the land where your business practices are being carried out in order to inspect, analyze and execute. You can easily create two-dimensional maps using a software interface that is designed to be user-friendly. It is also possible to make 3D videos with waypoints on maps that tell a complete picture of what is going on. You can fly through the map created by your drone using the software in order to make certain business decisions.   

What Does a Mapping Platform Offer?
A mapping drone along with its software application offers a three-step process, which is fully automated to achieve the objective of mapping conveniently. These steps are named as: plan, fly and process. Using the platform you are able to choose the area that you wish to map and the drone automatically calculates its flight path to cover that area. There is a software program on board that captures just the right photos and also attaches a tag with each photo stating exactly where it was taken. Landing is also fully automated and the user doesn’t need to interfere with the flight plan. However, he is able to press the Return-to-Land button when he thinks the drone is mapping the wrong area or if it is not required to fly again. 

The drone comes equipped with a post-processing software application that collects all the photos captured by the drone and then creates high-resolution maps depending on how high the drone was able to fly. There is an option of zooming in so that you can see clearly everything from large aerial views to highly zoomed-in small objects and details. The flight plans can be saved in the computer so that you can repeat them at a later time easily and without having to spend time on new flight planning. All these are very powerful features and they are developed especially for mapping drones designed for this purpose.

Benefits of Drone Aerial Mapping
The latest standard in drone mapping, 3DR offers a horde of attractive features that make their applications even more well-defined. The benefits include;

·         Accurate resolution – Extra high resolution of automatically created maps allows the users to zoom in to minute details in order to clearly see what’s going on

·         Auto-pilot – Image acquisition is achieved through auto-pilot, which means the flight is fully autonomous and the drone is able to make intelligent decisions based on the flight plan

·         Automated workflow – The drone is not just able to take-off and land on its own, it is also able to capture images, tag them and then post-process the data collected to create meaningful results

·         Desktop processing – Not all drones come equipped with advanced desktop processing that allows the user to communicate with the drone using a software interface

·         Low-flying capability – A mapping drone is capable of flying very low to capture high-resolution and crisp images of the land that it maps

·         Increased reliability – The outcome of a mapping drone can be fully trusted based on highly accurate results with high endurance and remarkable coverage area

·         Inexpensive and robust – The same features can also be realized using any other high-tech drone with a high-resolution camera, but mapping drones are especially designed for this purpose and therefore they are incredibly cheap and very robust and long-lasting

·         Protective cover – Most mapping drones come with a protective hard case because of their sensitive job nature

The software program that comes with these drones is loaded with advanced flight planning and image processing tools. These tools are capable of taking in a large number of photos to combine them into very accurate 2D maps with geo-referencing. These tools are so easy to use that even a beginner is able to benefit from them without any trouble. There is no training or prior experience required to use the application for the purpose of mapping. The aerial maps have one more characteristic and it is known as “visual-spectrum”. An expert photogrammetrist would be able to tell you what this attribute actually means.

Extra Features List
Most mapping drones have an improved battery life so that they are able to offer maximum coverage area. You don’t have to worry about calculating flight time and then see how much area will be covered in that time. The drone does all the calculations on its own and allows you to specify only that area, which will actually be covered in a specific flight plan. These drones offer up to 40 minutes of flight time and in this timeframe they are able to cover up to 250 acres of land. Imagine their speed and accuracy of operation in such a long time.  
A mapping drone is available for anywhere between $5,000 to $100,000 depending on the number of features it provides and the quality of its mapping results. This price is not much if we consider all the long-term benefits of such a machine especially for companies that require aerial maps on a regular basis to receive updated information about the land. If you are ready to spend money on a drone for your company that would prove to be very useful and robust, consider investing in a mapping drone to benefit from all the above-mentioned advantages and even more!, the one stop shop for all your UAV needs.
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